Mahremiyet ve Kişisel Verilerin Korunması

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Cookie (Çerez) Tip Süre Açıklama
Disqus Üçüncü parti 1 yıl Disqus is an add-on to the wordpress comment tool, which enhances the use of comments. Visitors without a disqus account won’t be presented with a cookie unless they want to comment on posts. Visitors of our site, who do have an disqus account and are signed on to the system will have a disqus cookie regardless of where they have logged on to the add-on. With this cookie disqus add-on will be able to recognize and automatically give the correct profile for you to comment on posts on our site. This is a third party cookie and can be set by any disqus add-on from any site that has it. You can review their privacy policy.
Google Analytics Devamlı 1 yıl To understand how people user our site, and to discover areas on our site with issues, we use Google Analytics. Most websites use some sort of analytics program like this. The data it collects helps us see things like how many people visit our site, which country they are from, how many pages they visited, how fast the site was loaded, and so on. All data collected is completely anonymous, it does not identify you as an individual in any way.
WordPress Oturum 1 yıl WordPress is the Content Management System (CMS) that runs this website. It uses a cookie when logging in and out and is essential for proper website operation. Since the only registered users are the authors, no cookie will be installed on any visitor of the site.